Build history

  • URP and 2d Lights test Testing the Universal Render Pipeline and its new 2D renderer.
  • Not sick anymore! Map structure, Enemy logic and anim, better bullet patterns I was super sick and slow so was the progress. This build tests a new map structure, add a enemy behavior system and improves on some major features. There is a new bullet pattern system as the old one was not flexible enough. It allowed nice looking patterns and will be useful for bosses and crazy situations. But it was too limited for enemies that should use patterns with very specific shapes and behaviors. Like most enemies in Enter the Gungeon or Monolith. Animating and controlling the enemies is always a challenge for me in term of how to implement these "states" properly. I always try to make my own system but this time I want to try the unity way again using Mecamin. I went a step further by using a layer of the animator to manage the enemies "logic" using custom "BehaviorScript" extending the StateMachineBehaviour class. Seems to work fine and it should be flexible enough. We will see how it goes on the long term. The Isometric view is much more painful to integrate properly than expected. Everything needs to be accounted for its skewed nature, it's a big pain in the ass. But at least it looks somewhat more unique than a "flat" view.
  • Moving camera, Overstock malus, Stat modifiers and FMOD integration The title says it all.
  • Invisible system work for visible gameplay integration! This build a many very basic but critical system. They are quite "invisible" for now but they will allow to create many variations of gameplay (item?). In this build, I used that Modifier system to manage the knockback and invulnerability on hit. It's completely event driven so it should allow us to attach special effects on many different aspect of the game like an enemies who spawn bullets or other enemies on death.
  • No more tilemap, z-sorting, Shadows and bullet hit detection Using 3 kinds of renderer (Sprite, Tile and Mesh) was making the z-sorting nightmarish so I finally decided to just drop the tile-based floor in favor or using big plain sprites.
  • Custom fixed framerate and Isometric projection on bullets! Finally I'm getting a good grasp on how to manage timing precisely on these bullets. No more stutters or inconsistencies!
  • Spike, Hp/Dmg management and movement stuttering I needed to test inter-entity interaction for my entity framework so I integrated some spikes.
  • Isometric map and movement test On top of the most basic movement and aim function, that build is testing the integration of having elevated parts in the level.