Invisible system work for visible gameplay integration!


This build a many very basic but critical system. They are quite "invisible" for now but they will allow to create many variations of gameplay (item?). In this build, I used that Modifier system to manage the knockback and invulnerability on hit. It's completely event driven so it should allow us to attach special effects on many different aspect of the game like an enemies who spawn bullets or other enemies on death.
I got stuck for too long on that topic. But after that I was able to advance ""quickly"" on the core gameplay. Namely the absorption, the absorbed bullet stocks (represented as card in the bottom left) and a way to fire them back at them with a chargeable shot.
The "weapon" and the absorb mechanic are already quite modular (that can be used for different "items" maybe) but as I haven't integrated a way to tweak them at runtime, they can used in only one way in this build. Maybe later.


Fix bullet hit detection (non-iso box cast)
Add Event/modifier system
Add invulnerability on hit
Add Charging fire mechanic
Add bullet stock management
Add absorb mechanic
Add collectible entities (Healing collectible as an example)
Add art and effect for testing (basic feedbacks)
Add some UI elements (HP counter and bullet stocks)

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